Because of the energy saving you could be eligible for a double glazing grant. this will depend on a few different factors, such as your age, local authority, whether you claim other benefits.
The Home Energy Saving Program is a government run scheme that offers assistance to homeowners to make their properties more efficient. However you have to need certain, strict criteria to be eligible for the scheme, such as: -
- In receipt of housing benefit
- Certain income benefits
- Disability living allowance (DLA)
- Elderly
- Home with young children living in it
A Home Repair Assistance grant may also be
available through your local council which gives money towards the cost of materials (Not the Labour) required to carry out improvements or adaptations to your home.
Visit for more information on the Home Repair Assistance grants available in your area.
Double Glazing Grants in Scotland?
The Scottish government is now offering homeowners interest free loans for improvements such as double glazing that make the property move energy efficient. The loans are offered interest free over different time periods by the Scottish Government to help reduce fuel bills and Co2 emissions
If you have a disability, you may be able to get a grant. Your council will base this on your circumstances.
Your income and savings will affect the level of grant you could get.
For more information on Disabled Facilities Grants and other help that your local authority may provide for repairs, improvements and adaptations, please visit Getting help with home improvement costs
As you can see from the table below windows and doors are the major contributor of heat loss within a house and as a result the focus of money available from the government in the form of grants.

What other grants are available
Getting grants for replace existing windows and doors can be difficult because of the high cost and you unlikely yo get them for free. Local Councils and government are reluctant to spend a large amount of cash for not much return.
If you are not eligible for a grant for double glazing then there are also grants for loft and wall insulation that will in the short term save you money on your heating bills and reduce your Co2 footprint.
The Energy Saving trust also have a great website that lets you know what grants are available visit Take Action
The Green Deal
On the 28th January 2013 the UK government opened the Green Deal. If you are currently not receiving any other form of grants for energy efficient home improvements then you may be eligible. The scheme is very simple, the government loan you the money to install energy efficient products into your home, such as new windows or a new boiler, up to the value of £10,000, the savings made on your energy bills then go to repaying the loan.
The system can be quite complicated and requires an assessment from and approved green deal inspector. He / She gives you a list of improvements that would be allowed under the scheme and after getting 3 quotes for the work from green deal approved installers, you decide you who wish to do the work and enter an agreement for the loan. When the work is completed the money is taken from your energy bill each month. The loan stays with the property, if you ever sell it, and the new owner carries on the repayments.
For more information follow the steps at
For a limited time there is also £1000 cash back from the government for certain products
The Government has set aside £2m in a pilot scheme which may be rolled out if it proves to be a success.
Other similar schemes have been discussed for Wales and Northern Ireland if the above pilot proves to be popular and cost effective. As the welsh and northern Ireland Government look after certain parts of their tax expenditure any grants will be decided by individual devolved governments.
Over 60?
There is more help for the over 60s or anyone who claim DLA (Disability Living Allowance) The best route to to contact Care & Repair. This is a None profit organization which offers help for people who want to apply in the local area.
The Energy Saving Trust (EST) can also advise you on grants or efficiency schemes in your area. For more information phone the EST on 0845 727 7200. You can find a list of double glazing suppliers on the EST website
Disabled Facilities Grants
Disabled Facilities Grants could help pay for necessary changes to your home - such as stair lifts and new windows or doors, so you can continue to live independently.
Installing new windows can cut your energy bill in half even more if you install ‘A’ rated windows. According to the EST (Energy Saving Trust) it could be as much as £300 a year. With the rising cost of fuel and fuel poverty this have become a major issue but is free double glazing possible or just a myth?